“Embarking on a mission to combat the alarming crisis of plastic pollution, WELL BRED STORE stands at the forefront of change. Each year, a staggering 8 million metric tons of plastic flood our oceans, a devastating consequence of our collective actions. What’s even more unsettling is the realization that 80% of this plastic deluge originates from the very towns and cities we call home.
In response to this urgent call for action, WELL BRED STORE has taken up the mantle of responsibility. We understand the gravity of the situation and have implemented four robust sustainability measures to staunch the flow of single-use plastic into our oceans. It’s not merely a matter of rhetoric; it’s a tangible commitment to making a positive impact on our environment.
As advocates for change, we invite you to join us on this journey towards a cleaner and greener future. In every purchase you make, you play a pivotal role in reducing plastic waste and safeguarding our oceans. Let’s together turn the tide against plastic pollution and create a world where our choices resonate with a sustainable tomorrow.”